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Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Editors:
- Boccia, Stefania; Boeffetta, Paolo
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 2766-9181
Also Recommended
This newly launched literature review journal offers insightful editorials and on-the-mark invited reviews in key area of global health medicine.
The journal is ideal for anyone with an interest in epidemiology and public health and improving the health of communities worldwide. Specifically, those working in the areas of lifestyle, social and environmental epidemiology, and genetic and molecular epidemiology, with emphasis on the science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and improving the health of entire populations through disease and injury prevention, and responses to disease occurrences and health threats in populations.
Published bimonthly, each issue introduces world-renowned guest editors and internationally recognized academics within the epidemiology and public health field, delivering a widespread selection of expert assessments on the latest developments from the most recent literature.
The journal is ideal for anyone with an interest in epidemiology and public health and improving the health of communities worldwide. Specifically, those working in the areas of lifestyle, social and environmental epidemiology, and genetic and molecular epidemiology, with emphasis on the science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and improving the health of entire populations through disease and injury prevention, and responses to disease occurrences and health threats in populations.
Published bimonthly, each issue introduces world-renowned guest editors and internationally recognized academics within the epidemiology and public health field, delivering a widespread selection of expert assessments on the latest developments from the most recent literature.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Boccia, Stefania; Boeffetta, Paolo
- 2766-9181
- Specialty:
- Epidemiology
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- 6 Times a Year
- Coverage:
- Vol 1 #1 (2021) - present
- Pdf Coverage:
- Vol 1 #1 (2021) - present
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