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Nuclear Medicine Imaging: A Teaching File
- Publication Year:
- 2008
- Edition:
- 2nd
- Author:
- Habibian, M. Reza; Delbeke, Dominique; Martin, William H.; Sandler, Martin P.; Vitola, Joao V.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-0-78-176988-4
Also Recommended
Thoroughly revised by a well-known nuclear medicine team, this teaching file reference presents 234 cases and over 600 images encompassing the gamut of procedures in contemporary clinical nuclear medicine.
This second edition features many new cases highlighting the latest clinical and technological developments, including state-of-the-art PET/CT and SPECT/CT imaging in oncology and dramatic advances in nuclear cardiology.
Chapters present a variety of cases, from simple to complex, covering each organ system and oncologic imaging. Extensive correlative images using all relevant modalities demonstrate the use of multimodality image analysis in solving clinical problems. The final chapter focuses on common artifacts.
This second edition features many new cases highlighting the latest clinical and technological developments, including state-of-the-art PET/CT and SPECT/CT imaging in oncology and dramatic advances in nuclear cardiology.
Chapters present a variety of cases, from simple to complex, covering each organ system and oncologic imaging. Extensive correlative images using all relevant modalities demonstrate the use of multimodality image analysis in solving clinical problems. The final chapter focuses on common artifacts.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Habibian, M. Reza; Delbeke, Dominique; Martin, William H.; Sandler, Martin P.; Vitola, Joao V.
- 978-0-78-176988-4
- Specialty:
- Cardiology
- Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Radiology
- Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 2nd
- Pages:
- 512
- Publication Year:
- 2008
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