On 19 December 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the final technical package for version 4.0 of its reporting framework, which will apply as of the first half of 2025. The package marks the transition to the new Data Point Model (DPM) semantic glossary and introduces the enhanced capabilities of the DPM 2.0 model.
The technical package provides the standard specifications that include the validation rules, the data point model (DPM), and the XBRL taxonomies to support the following reporting obligations:
- Reporting of information by issuers of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and electronic money tokens (EMTs).
- New Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) amending the supervisory reporting framework (COREP templates) to implement the most immediate changes driven by the EU Banking Package (Capital Requirements Regulation - CRR3 and Capital Requirements Directive -CRDVI) published on 19 June in the Official Journal.
- Minor amendments to reporting obligations by class 2 investment firms (COREP templates), in alignment with the CRR3/CRDVI changes.
- Updated requirements for the registers of information under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) following the adoption by the EU Commission of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2956 with regard to standard templates for the register of information.
This draft technical package includes a version of the data dictionary contents in both formats the DPM 1.0 and the new format DPM 2.0.