We transitioned to online learning and virtual clinical, we conquered the video conferencing world and made it our classroom, and we went over and above to ensure we were preparing future nurses to be safe, excellent, critical thinkers and steadfast patient advocates. Unfortunately, the nurse in all of us educators probably did the one thing we know we should not do, put ourselves last. So, as we embark on the start of a new semester, it is time for every nurse educator to take a moment, plug ourselves in, and recharge our nurse educator batteries so we are re-energized and ready for whatever is to come our way.
The Covid-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we work and live our lives. Now more than ever, as we prepare to start a new semester, taking care of our individual emotional health and well-being is essential so that we can feel invigorated and enthusiastic about our passion for nursing education. Many of us will be returning to face-to-face classrooms unsure of what they will look like in this new world of social distancing and mask-wearing while others may continue the virtual learning path. Either way, we, the nurse educators, will be setting the emotional classroom climate that will be contagious among our students throughout the semester.
Therefore, nurse educators need to take an emotional time-out to recharge and focus on what makes us feel nourished, on what gives us meaning, and reconnect with finding our passion for nursing education. It will be the nurse educators who start the semester with their batteries recharged to 100% that will have a solid foundation to navigate the new normal in nursing education. Here are some nurse educator self-care tips meant to inspire your health and wellness while enabling you to feel less stressed and more resilient in preparation for the semester ahead.