
CCH® Tagetik UK&I inTouch 2024 - London

October 17, 2024 at 9:00 am-5:00 pm BST
Science Museum, Exhibition Rd, London

Last year at inTouch, we invited you to Lead the Change. This year, you're going to Power Up with AI. Finance’s digital transformation has leveled up again, and we’re here with the technology to keep you at the leading-edge.

What to expect? 

Education, inspiration, peer-to-peer networking and a good time. The CCH® Tagetik inTouch Regional Events gather CCH® Tagetik customers, partners, and finance leaders from UK & Ireland.  

Why you should attend

  • Get an exclusive hands-on experience of our solutions for AI, ESG, corporate tax, extended planning, financial close and more.
  • Hear first-hand experience from CCH Tagetik users and partners.
  • Network - and celebrate - with your peers in the office of finance.

Program details will be shared later. The event will last a full day.

Date: 17th October 2024
Location: Science Museum, Exhibition Rd, London

Register now!

Register for CCH Tagetik inTouch Regional Event in London by filling out the form. Do not hesitate, because the number of participants is limited*. 

*This event is intended for employees of our customer and prospect companies as well as our implementation partners. Please note that we reserve the right to revoke registrations of individuals who do not match this target audience.

Register now:

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