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How to build a legal operations function

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Does your legal department operate in the best way possible?

That is the question fueling the impressive rise of the legal operations function in legal departments around the world.

Where the legal department was once solely focused on providing legal advice, today’s C-suite expects that the legal department is managed like any other business unit. This means that legal department leaders need to find ways to maximise productivity, streamline processes and focus more on creating value. They must do it all while keeping a keen eye on costs.

In order to find out how familiar legal departments are with legal operations, Wolters Kluwer carried out a survey among more than 150 legal departments in the U.K. and the Netherlands. With a better understanding of how technology can optimise your legal operations, we highlight the main types of technology that can help your legal department as it grows so that you are better equipped to select the right fit for your needs.
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