Experience the power of Kleos with a free trial​

Discover firsthand how Kleos can significantly simplify your life as a legal professional.

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Work when and where you want
Kleos is an all-in-one software for law firms, accessible through any web browser. ​

You can work securely on a computer, smartphone, or tablet at your convenience

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Keeping track of your law firm becomes a breeze 
In the blink of an eye, you have a detailed view of your firm. Deadlines, billing, timesheets, case tracking...
Everything is designed to save you a considerable amount of time.
Save time by working more efficiently

Thanks to its intuitive interface and user-friendly features, Kleos is easy to use software that enables efficient management of your daily tasks.

Kleos is available in several European countries - please click on the relevant link to start your free trial.


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