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APA PsycInfo®
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- American Psychological Association
- Coverage:
- 1806 - Present
Also Recommended
With more than 4 million bibliographic records centered on psychology and the behavioral and social sciences, the interdisciplinary content in APA PsycInfo® makes it one of the most highly utilized databases by students, researchers, educators, and practitioners worldwide.
Explore the full breadth of research in the behavioral and social sciences with confidence. Focused on the interdisciplinary aspects of the worldwide behavioral and social science research and literature, APA PsycInfo is unmatched as a resource for locating scholarly research findings in psychology and related fields across a host of academic disciplines — from the historical to the cutting edge.
It contains citations and summaries of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports, all in the field of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
Journal coverage, spanning 1806 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,500 periodicals from more than 49 countries written in 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material published from 1987 to present. Over 80,000 records are added annually through weekly updates. More than 36 million references in over 870,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters; retrospective to 2001 and earlier, where available; more than 3.2 million references from 1920 to 2000.
APA PsycInfo® Journal Coverage List
You can browse the entire list here.
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Visit the Journals Added to Coverage List page to see a list of the journals that were added to the Journal Coverage List since the last update.
Explore the full breadth of research in the behavioral and social sciences with confidence. Focused on the interdisciplinary aspects of the worldwide behavioral and social science research and literature, APA PsycInfo is unmatched as a resource for locating scholarly research findings in psychology and related fields across a host of academic disciplines — from the historical to the cutting edge.
It contains citations and summaries of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports, all in the field of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
Journal coverage, spanning 1806 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,500 periodicals from more than 49 countries written in 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material published from 1987 to present. Over 80,000 records are added annually through weekly updates. More than 36 million references in over 870,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters; retrospective to 2001 and earlier, where available; more than 3.2 million references from 1920 to 2000.
APA PsycInfo® Journal Coverage List
You can browse the entire list here.
Click here to Download the journal coverage list in Excel format (290KB)
Visit the Journals Added to Coverage List page to see a list of the journals that were added to the Journal Coverage List since the last update.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- American Psychological Association
- Product Type:
- Database
- Specialty:
- Abnormal Psychology
- Applied Psychology
- Behavioral Psychology
- Business & Economics
- Child Development Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Community Psychology
- Education Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Medical Law
- Ethics & Other Humanities
- Neuropsychology
- Neuroscience
- Perception
- Psychiatry
- Psycholinguistics
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Rehabilitation
- Social Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech
- Language & Hearing
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Weekly
- Coverage:
- 1806 - Present
- Data Type:
- Bibliographic with Abstracts
- Number of Records:
- 4 million
- Records Added Annually:
- 80,000+
- 5 Minutos de Consulta Clínica
- Diabetes Mellitus, guia para el manejo del paciente
- El Libro de la UCI
- Endocrinología Ginecológica Clínica y Esterilidad
- Enfermedad de Parkinson y trastornos del movimiento
- Fármacos durante el embarazo y la lactancia
- Fundamentos de Radiología de Diagnóstico
- Ginecología de Novak
- Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
- Journal of Clinical Apheresis
- Journal of Family Therapy
- Journal of Hospital Medicine
- Journal of Medical Virology
- Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
- Journal of Neuropsychology
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- Journal of Sleep Research
- Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology
- Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System
- Kaplan & Sadock. Manual de bolsillo de psiquiatría clínica
- Kaplan Hipertensión clínica
- Liver Transplantation
- Manual de Diálisis
- Manual de Gastroenterología
- Neuropathology & Applied Neurobiology
- Obesity Reviews
- Tratado de Medicina Cardiovascular
- Vias de Abordaje en Cirugia Ortopedica: Un Enfoque Anatomico