• Using Social Media
  • Article Metrics
  • Data Sharing Tools

Increasing the visibility of your work with social media

Publishing your research in scholarly journals is important, but what may be even more important is getting the scientific information into everyday communication streams. Today that is social media. This editorial outlines how best to move your scholarly work into social media outlets and how to track your success in a social media world. Read full article >

Promoting your article in the social media age

As an author, it’s becoming more and more important for you to help your publisher promote your work to your peers. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is through social media, and this article will outline some tips to get you started and see how self-promotion can pay off. Read full article >

Using infographics to drive traffic to your journal articles

As authors, our goals are to reach our audience and share our content, with the hopes that we will educate, inform, and spread our messages. Shouldn’t we take advantage of all opportunities and formats to meet these goals? An infographic, sometimes referred to as a data graphic or content visualization, is a way to showcase your article content, appeal to your current readers, and reach new audiences. The editors of Lippincott Nursing Center.com provide an overview of infographics and how they can work for you—and share their own experiences using infographics to drive traffic to their online content. Read full article >

From a marketer’s playbook: Using PAFEO planning to promote your research

How do you ensure your journal article is read? This article explains how a journals’ marketer uses PAFEO Planning to brainstorm a promotional strategy, and how an author can utilize this in promoting a manuscript to peers. Read full article >

What is altmetrics counting and how do altmetrics help authors?

As an author, you might be curious about the altmetric score and how altmetrics can help you. Fundamentally, altmetrics concerns the measurement of the use of your research article beyond the traditional measures of a journal impact factor, which uses citation counts in scholarly information sources. But what more does it cover? Read full article >

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