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All Solutions

All Wolters Kluwer solutions listed below are available in this region. Refine the results by using filters to see solutions that match your interest area. See a complete list of all Wolters Kluwer Solutions. See our Global Expert Solutions.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Tax & Accounting
CCH iFirm
CCH iFirm is a multi-award-winning full cloud practice management software, best for accounting and audit firms.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en, th
Tax & Accounting
CCH Integrator
CCH Integrator is an integrated cloud-based platform designed to help organisations simplify their tax management, compliance, reporting and provisioning.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Finance, Tax & Accounting, Compliance
CCH Integrator BEPS Pillar Two
CCH Integrator global corporate tax management platform offers BEPS Pillar Two software solution to large corporates. 
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
CCH® Tagetik
Embrace the future of finance with AI-based corporate performance management software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Account Reconciliation & Transaction Matching
Reconcile, review, and resolve balance sheet accounts automatically with CCH Tagetik Account Reconciliation & Transaction Matching.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik Analytic Information Hub: Financial Analysis Software
Use business analytics, enable digital transformation and drive your strategy forward - with all your financial processes and data on a uniform platform.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
Enter the next evolution in planning with CCH Tagetik Budgeting, Financial Planning, and Forecasting software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Cash Flow Planning and Analysis software
Manage risk and improve cash management with CCH Tagetik Cash Flow Planning & Analysis software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Compliance Regulatory Reporting
Get compliant out-of-the-box with CCH Tagetik Regulatory Reporting software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Demand Planning
Optimize product introductions. Minimize waste. Improve your bottom line. Embrace uncertainty with CCH® Tagetik Supply Chain Planning for demand planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: EBA Supervisory Reporting
Minimize the complexity of multiple regulations with a single solution.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
Finance, ESG
CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability Performance Management
CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability software enables you to comply with ESG requirements, frameworks, and regulations while optimizing sustainability planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Financial Consolidation Software
Manage your financial close and consolidation with CCH Tagetik's software from local close to group consolidation to regulatory reporting and disclosure.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Financial Reporting Software
CCH Tagetik Financial Reporting software brings your company’s story to life.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko
Finance, Tax & Accounting
CCH Tagetik: Global Minimum Tax
Simplify the tax reporting process. Harness enterprise data. Turn tax into strategy.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko
CCH Tagetik: Integrated Business Planning
One platform, one plan, one set of numbers that run your business.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, zh
CCH Tagetik: Integrated Reporting
Incorporate Capitals. Create Value. Improve Reporting.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Intelligent Analytics
Unlock insights. Instant visualization. Just Ask AI.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja, zh
CCH Tagetik: Intelligent Disclosure
Automate blended narrative. Spark collaboration. Always be right.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Inventory Optimization
Precise MEIO. Improve service levels. Lower costs. Hit the stock sweet spot with CCH Tagetik Supply Chain Planning for inventory optimization.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: iXBRL
CCH Tagetik iXBRL software (powered by CoreFiling): the best way to get ESEF reporting in iXBRL format.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Lease Accounting: IFRS 16 & ASC 842
All Lease types. Pre-packaged Lease Accounting compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Predictive Intelligence
Get the power to predict future with CCH Tagetik Predictive Analytics and Intelligence. Explainable predictions and actionable insights to make better decisions.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Production Cost Planning & Control Software
Unify complex production landscapes with your financial reality using CCH Tagetik Production Cost Planning and Control software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Production Planning
Dynamic demand forecasts. Instant supply updates. Real-time BOM data.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it
CCH Tagetik: Profitability Analysis
Analyze profitability from every angle with CCH Tagetik Profitability Analysis software, and learn what drives profitable growth.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Sales & Operations Planning
Align sales and operations. Get better demand forecasts and more accurate sourcing plans.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Solvency II
Three pillars, one simple solution. Pre-packaged Solvency II Compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Supply Chain Planning
Increase resilience and optimize operations with CCH® Tagetik Supply Chain Planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Supply Planning
Supply planning is part of our AI-based solution that enables unified capacity and product planning, inventory optimization, MRP, and production scheduling.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it, ja
Finance, Tax & Accounting
CCH Tagetik Tax Provision & Reporting
Connected tax provision. Harmonized multi-level tax data. Accurate group reports.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja
Insurance Contracts: IFRS 17
Reduce risk. Ready-made compliance with IFRS 17.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja
Lippincott® Solutions
In today’s evolving patient care environment, our best-in-class suite helps you balance clinical and business needs to improve reimbursable patient outcomes.
Availability: Hong Kong
Languages: en
Decision support for drug therapy management from the team at UpToDate®.
Availability: Global
Languages: en, fr, it, ko, nl, pt, th, zh
Finance, Compliance
OneSumX® for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting
OneSumX for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting is a best-in-class integrated regulatory compliance and reporting solution suite that establishes a single source of data for finance, risk and regulatory reporting that is enriched with value-added content from our in-house experts. Our approach dramatically improves insight and analysis across the enterprise, providing the scalability needed to process large volumes of data required by new data-driven regulatory regimes, preserving data lineage at each functional stage and enabling future proofed end-to-end regulatory compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: cs, da, de, en, es, hu, it, nb, nl, pl, ro, sk, sv, th, vi
The leading medical database for nurses, doctors, students, researchers, healthcare administrators and allied health professionals. Discover Ovid today!
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt, zh
Ovid® Synthesis
Ovid® Synthesis is a clinical evidence manager providing a quality workflow solution for clinical practice improvement.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt, th, vi, zh
Tax & Accounting
Tax Compliance Solution
With country-by-country reporting and BEPS Pillar Two solutions.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Tax & Accounting, Compliance
Tax Data Management
With structured and unstructured data.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Clinicians, healthcare professionals, and enterprises around the world trust UpToDate evidence-based clinical information solutions to enable the best possible care decisions and improved health outcomes.
Availability: Global
Languages: cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, sk, sv, th, vi, zh

Health Solutions

Trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions that drive effective decision-making and outcomes across healthcare. Specialized in clinical effectiveness, learning, research and safety. For more information, visit the Health overview page.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lippincott® Solutions
In today’s evolving patient care environment, our best-in-class suite helps you balance clinical and business needs to improve reimbursable patient outcomes.
Availability: Hong Kong
Languages: en
Decision support for drug therapy management from the team at UpToDate®.
Availability: Global
Languages: en, fr, it, ko, nl, pt, th, zh
The leading medical database for nurses, doctors, students, researchers, healthcare administrators and allied health professionals. Discover Ovid today!
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt, zh
Ovid® Synthesis
Ovid® Synthesis is a clinical evidence manager providing a quality workflow solution for clinical practice improvement.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt, th, vi, zh
Clinicians, healthcare professionals, and enterprises around the world trust UpToDate evidence-based clinical information solutions to enable the best possible care decisions and improved health outcomes.
Availability: Global
Languages: cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, sk, sv, th, vi, zh

Tax & Accounting Solutions

Enabling tax and accounting professionals and businesses of all sizes drive productivity, navigate change, and deliver better outcomes. With workflows optimized by technology and guided by deep domain expertise, we help organizations grow, manage, and protect their businesses and their client’s businesses. For more information, visit the Tax & Accounting overview page.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Tax & Accounting
CCH iFirm
CCH iFirm is a multi-award-winning full cloud practice management software, best for accounting and audit firms.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en, th
Tax & Accounting
CCH Integrator
CCH Integrator is an integrated cloud-based platform designed to help organisations simplify their tax management, compliance, reporting and provisioning.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Tax & Accounting, Compliance, Finance
CCH Integrator BEPS Pillar Two
CCH Integrator global corporate tax management platform offers BEPS Pillar Two software solution to large corporates. 
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Tax & Accounting, Finance
CCH Tagetik: Global Minimum Tax
Simplify the tax reporting process. Harness enterprise data. Turn tax into strategy.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko
Tax & Accounting, Finance
CCH Tagetik Tax Provision & Reporting
Connected tax provision. Harmonized multi-level tax data. Accurate group reports.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja
Tax & Accounting
Tax Compliance Solution
With country-by-country reporting and BEPS Pillar Two solutions.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Tax & Accounting, Compliance
Tax Data Management
With structured and unstructured data.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en

ESG Solutions

Offering comprehensive tools and expert guidance to help companies enhance financial performance, meet regulatory requirements to support sustainability efforts, and manage ESG risks efficiently. For more information, visit our ESG overview page.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ESG, Finance
CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability Performance Management
CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability software enables you to comply with ESG requirements, frameworks, and regulations while optimizing sustainability planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, zh

Finance Solutions

Our solutions for regulated financial departments and institutions help customers meet their obligations to external regulators. We specialize in unifying and optimizing processes to deliver a real-time and accurate view of your financial position. For more information, visit the Finance overview page.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Finance, Compliance, Tax & Accounting
CCH Integrator BEPS Pillar Two
CCH Integrator global corporate tax management platform offers BEPS Pillar Two software solution to large corporates. 
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
CCH® Tagetik
Embrace the future of finance with AI-based corporate performance management software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Account Reconciliation & Transaction Matching
Reconcile, review, and resolve balance sheet accounts automatically with CCH Tagetik Account Reconciliation & Transaction Matching.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik Analytic Information Hub: Financial Analysis Software
Use business analytics, enable digital transformation and drive your strategy forward - with all your financial processes and data on a uniform platform.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
Enter the next evolution in planning with CCH Tagetik Budgeting, Financial Planning, and Forecasting software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Cash Flow Planning and Analysis software
Manage risk and improve cash management with CCH Tagetik Cash Flow Planning & Analysis software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Compliance Regulatory Reporting
Get compliant out-of-the-box with CCH Tagetik Regulatory Reporting software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Demand Planning
Optimize product introductions. Minimize waste. Improve your bottom line. Embrace uncertainty with CCH® Tagetik Supply Chain Planning for demand planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: EBA Supervisory Reporting
Minimize the complexity of multiple regulations with a single solution.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
Finance, ESG
CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability Performance Management
CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability software enables you to comply with ESG requirements, frameworks, and regulations while optimizing sustainability planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Financial Consolidation Software
Manage your financial close and consolidation with CCH Tagetik's software from local close to group consolidation to regulatory reporting and disclosure.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Financial Reporting Software
CCH Tagetik Financial Reporting software brings your company’s story to life.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko
Finance, Tax & Accounting
CCH Tagetik: Global Minimum Tax
Simplify the tax reporting process. Harness enterprise data. Turn tax into strategy.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko
CCH Tagetik: Integrated Business Planning
One platform, one plan, one set of numbers that run your business.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, zh
CCH Tagetik: Integrated Reporting
Incorporate Capitals. Create Value. Improve Reporting.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Intelligent Analytics
Unlock insights. Instant visualization. Just Ask AI.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja, zh
CCH Tagetik: Intelligent Disclosure
Automate blended narrative. Spark collaboration. Always be right.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Inventory Optimization
Precise MEIO. Improve service levels. Lower costs. Hit the stock sweet spot with CCH Tagetik Supply Chain Planning for inventory optimization.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: iXBRL
CCH Tagetik iXBRL software (powered by CoreFiling): the best way to get ESEF reporting in iXBRL format.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Lease Accounting: IFRS 16 & ASC 842
All Lease types. Pre-packaged Lease Accounting compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Predictive Intelligence
Get the power to predict future with CCH Tagetik Predictive Analytics and Intelligence. Explainable predictions and actionable insights to make better decisions.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, zh
CCH Tagetik: Production Cost Planning & Control Software
Unify complex production landscapes with your financial reality using CCH Tagetik Production Cost Planning and Control software.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Production Planning
Dynamic demand forecasts. Instant supply updates. Real-time BOM data.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it
CCH Tagetik: Profitability Analysis
Analyze profitability from every angle with CCH Tagetik Profitability Analysis software, and learn what drives profitable growth.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Sales & Operations Planning
Align sales and operations. Get better demand forecasts and more accurate sourcing plans.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Solvency II
Three pillars, one simple solution. Pre-packaged Solvency II Compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, fr, it, ja
CCH Tagetik: Supply Chain Planning
Increase resilience and optimize operations with CCH® Tagetik Supply Chain Planning.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl
CCH Tagetik: Supply Planning
Supply planning is part of our AI-based solution that enables unified capacity and product planning, inventory optimization, MRP, and production scheduling.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, it, ja
Finance, Tax & Accounting
CCH Tagetik Tax Provision & Reporting
Connected tax provision. Harmonized multi-level tax data. Accurate group reports.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, it, ja
Insurance Contracts: IFRS 17
Reduce risk. Ready-made compliance with IFRS 17.
Availability: Global
Languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja
Finance, Compliance
OneSumX® for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting
OneSumX for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting is a best-in-class integrated regulatory compliance and reporting solution suite that establishes a single source of data for finance, risk and regulatory reporting that is enriched with value-added content from our in-house experts. Our approach dramatically improves insight and analysis across the enterprise, providing the scalability needed to process large volumes of data required by new data-driven regulatory regimes, preserving data lineage at each functional stage and enabling future proofed end-to-end regulatory compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: cs, da, de, en, es, hu, it, nb, nl, pl, ro, sk, sv, th, vi

Compliance Solutions

Enabling organizations to ensure adherence with ever-changing regulatory obligations, manage risk, increase efficiency, and produce better business outcomes. For more information, visit the Compliance overview page.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Compliance, Tax & Accounting, Finance
CCH Integrator BEPS Pillar Two
CCH Integrator global corporate tax management platform offers BEPS Pillar Two software solution to large corporates. 
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en
Compliance, Finance
OneSumX® for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting
OneSumX for Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting is a best-in-class integrated regulatory compliance and reporting solution suite that establishes a single source of data for finance, risk and regulatory reporting that is enriched with value-added content from our in-house experts. Our approach dramatically improves insight and analysis across the enterprise, providing the scalability needed to process large volumes of data required by new data-driven regulatory regimes, preserving data lineage at each functional stage and enabling future proofed end-to-end regulatory compliance.
Availability: Global
Languages: cs, da, de, en, es, hu, it, nb, nl, pl, ro, sk, sv, th, vi
Compliance, Tax & Accounting
Tax Data Management
With structured and unstructured data.
Availability: Philippines
Languages: en

Legal Solutions

Serving legal professionals in law firms, General Counsel offices and corporate legal departments with data-driven decision-making tools. We streamline legal and regulatory research, analysis, and workflows to drive value to organizations, ensuring more transparent, just and safe societies. For more information, visit the Legal overview page.

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Trademarks referenced are owned by Wolters Kluwer N.V. and/or its subsidiaries and may be registered in various countries.

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