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On Demand Webinar

Unleash the power of AI and Integrations!

The fusion of CLM with AI and Integrations is transforming contract processes and boosting performance.
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Get a head start on contract management: Unleash the power of AI and Integrations!

Join us for an engaging webinar as we explore the powerful combination of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) with AI and Integrations. Discover how these cutting-edge technologies are revolutionising contract processes, boosting connectivity and increasing the performance of legal departments.

During this session, our experts Margo Trebicka and Maurits Annegarn will present the transformative impact of leveraging AI and integrations in CLM through concrete examples and case studies. Understanding the tangible benefits, from accelerating contract turnaround times to improving risk management and decision-making.

We'll provide an overview of contract lifecycle management tools and show how AI-powered automation improves contract creation, negotiation and analysis. We'll also look at integrations, demonstrating how CLM platforms connect to other enterprise tools, streamlining workflows and promoting collaboration.

Our Speakers
Margo Trebicka
Margo Trebicka

Sales Director
Wolters Kluwer Legal Software

Maurits Annegarn
Maurits Annegarn

Segment Manager Corporate Legal
Wolters Kluwer Legal Software

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