
What license does a pharmacist need?


A Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD) from a school or college of pharmacy that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education is required to become a licensed pharmacist. You'll also need to pass The North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam (NAPLEX) in order to practice in every state. Each state may have different individual requirements for obtaining a pharmacist license.

A pharmacist must obtain a pharmacist license in any state in which he/she is dispensing pharmaceuticals. Typically, once licensed in his/her home state, he/she may apply for a pharmacist license in another state through reciprocity, making him/her eligible to waive certain requirements with respect to the licensing process. If the pharmacist will be acting as a pharmacist in charge for a pharmacy, requirements for pharmacist licensure may change depending on the states in which the pharmacy is located and intends on operating.

CT Corporation will research pharmacist licensing requirements, file and manage all pharmacist licenses and pharmacist renewals on your behalf.

For more information and assistance, please contact CT Corporation to consult a licensing specialist.







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