Insurers are in a difficult position – the high demand on resources to handle the volume and complexity of regulatory changes is extreme. Additionally, the need to evaluate if, how, where, and when these changes should be implemented can pose significant challenges for even the most experienced compliance staff.
Based on the industry-leading insurance regulatory compliance database, NILS™ Insource®, NILS™ Feed ASL offers an Authoritative Source Library of the statutory and regulatory compliance requirements applicable to the “business of insurance.” When changes to an ASL are mapped, they can be seen across activities, processes, and risks for a true impact assessment.
NILS is at the center of your compliance program
Easily imported and integrated into a GRC system to map activities in the GRC system to the relevant statutes and regulatory citations, driving greater insights into how each element of your regulatory program affects other elements
Unique knowledge connections provide an enterprise-wide view into how one regulatory requirement, event, or activity is connected to or impacted by another
Better visibility within the GRC system of historical regulatory changes that have impacted a given citation
More robust risk assessments facilitated by and through ASL content prioritize risks for informed decision making
Turnkey integration with Wolters Kluwer OneSumX® for Regulatory Change Management, and IBM OpenPages