WebinarTax & AccountingFinance

CPD webinar – Driving advisory revenue

15 November 2023 | 10:30-11:30 AM AEST
Unlocking your roadmap to advisory revenue

During this session we will walk you through:

  • Current and future revenue streams firms are generating through advisory revenues
  • The types of services firms are looking to deploy
  • How to identify your ideal client
  • Questions to engage in open conversations
  • How to build out your advisory services one step at a time
  • How to scale up, and scale down to suit your clients – from a 1-page Dashboard to a 3-Way Rolling Cashflow Forecast
  • KPIs to measure your teams’ outputs (not inputs!)
  • Real life case study scenarios
  • Monetisation – what was charged for work completed

You will also receive these additional documents:

  • A Service Opportunity Matrix.
  • A list of target questions to engage clients.
  • A copy of e-book Transform – written by Spotlight CEO Richard Francis.

Learning outcomes

Attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • Current and Future industry trends
  • How to identify target clients
  • What services to offer, and when – a step by step guide
  • Questions, conversations, to engage clients
  • What you can charge (or your competitors already are) for services performed

Suited to

Any accountant or advisor who is currently providing or looking to grow their service lines and subsequent revenues through advisory services.  

You will also be provided with:

  • A PDF of the presenter’s PowerPoint
  • Access to the subsequent e-Learning including transcript, CPD Quiz and webinar recording which can be viewed multiple times
  • Any Supporting Documentation
  • A CPD Certificate if you attend more than 80% of the live session
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