WebinarTax & AccountingFinance

CPD webinar – Navigating upper limits: Understanding personal barriers to performance

14 November 2023 | 10:30-11:30 AM AEST
Often what stands in our way is not out there but in here!

In this session, we explore some of the most prevalent ways that we limit ourselves.

For our success and well-being, we must have the capacity not just to learn, but to grow and expand ourselves so that we can identify and overcome our personal barriers to performance, effectiveness and well-being.

This session looks at the psychology and science behind Upper Limits — ceilings that we put in place across awareness, perspectives and skills that can often stop us from growing, expanding and maturing.

Specifically, we will look at the following areas:

  • The concept and science of Upper Limits of Awareness
  • How self-awareness works and its direct, foundational contribution to every other aspect of our lives, including how we lead
  • The perspectives we bring to situations that can hinder or help us
  • The impact of our personal boundaries on how we live and lead
  • The limitations of dysfunctions such as perfectionism, workaholism, being controlling and approval-seeking
  • How to cultivate better awareness of your upper limits
  • How to expand beyond your current upper limits and keep growing your capacity across awareness, being and doing
  • How to help others see and explore their upper limits in support of them growing and expanding their awareness and capacity

This session will arm you with personal confidence and tools that will help improve your effectiveness and will lighten the load that you may feel about things you find stressful.

It will also support you in working with others to incrementally expand and grow their capacity at work.

This is a practical session suited to financial and legal professionals who find themselves managing staff or collaborating with stakeholders. For experienced professionals, it will update existing skill sets with some of the latest thinking and research, and it provides an excellent introduction for those who are looking to understand how Upper Limits and personal growth for the first time.

Learning outcomes

Participants will:

  • Understand what Upper Limits actually are, and how they present individually
  • Have greater insight into how certain behaviours reinforce and keep our upper limits in place
  • Learn how to manage your personal boundaries, and keep focussed when dealing with situations that you currently find stressful
  • Learn strategies for expanding into new, and sustainable behaviour change so we can grow

Suited to

Leaders, Managers, Project Managers, Employees and anyone who wants to be more focused, and clearer in how they Lead a team, a project or a piece of work

You will also be provided with:

  • A PDF of the presenter’s PowerPoint
  • Access to the subsequent e-Learning including transcript, CPD Quiz and webinar recording which can be viewed multiple times
  • Any Supporting Documentation
  • A CPD Certificate if you attend more than 80% of the live session
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