A faster, more accurate search experience
With content created for the online user, CCH iKnowConnect delivers curated search results so you can find the right answer faster, providing a more efficient research experience.
360° navigation
If you prefer to begin research with legislation, our powerful 360° view of key legislation connects each provision with the best and most relevant content – including related legislation, in-depth commentary, cases, regulatory resources, and practical tools.
In-depth analysis and commentary
Our commentary is written by legal professionals, primarily for lawyers (whether barristers, solicitors and in-house counsel, or representing employers, employees, plaintiff or defendant) and insurers, as well as employee and employer stakeholders.
The Torts – workers compensation practice area provides detailed legal and practical analysis of the legislative schemes in each Australian state and territory, exploring the requirements for whether an injury is compensable, exceptions and defences, assessing impairment, compensation types, and return to work.
Common law workplace negligence claims are also covered, and all analysis is integrated with primary source materials.