Show investors how your strategy will create future value
with CCH Tagetik’s integrated reporting software.

Integrated Reporting <IR> requires reporting on how your organization creates value in the short, medium and long-term. CCH Tagetik gives you that insight. Our unified platform centralizes financial and non-financial data into a single trusted source — controlled with data governance. CCH Tagetik unifies the strategic planning, forecasting, close-to-disclosure process with full workflow and auditability to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Align your organization, connect internal and external reporting, and better drive strategy. CCH Tagetik is flexible, finance-owned and integrates with Microsoft Office – putting the control in your hands to create any reports and disclosures. Enable integrated thinking, create value and produce integrated reports with CCH Tagetik.

3 reasons why CCH Tagetik Integrated Reporting let's you focus on your business

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Happy Customers
CCH Tagetik's Integrated Reporting is trusted by leading companies across all industries.
  • Erste Group
  • BNP Paribas
  • Generali Group
  • Leonardo (Ex Finmeccanica SPA)
CCH Tagetik is an easy-to-use solution that guides users through the processes of group consolidation, management reporting, and statutory reporting. Since we can now quickly respond to new external requirements and internal ad hoc inquiries, we feel well equipped for the future.
Barbara Kainz - Director Group Consolidation at Erste Group
Read the Case Study
BNP Paribas can now find faster with plans and trusted actual data in CCH Tagetik's Financial Platform
CCH Tagetik financial modelling allows BNP Paribas to easily assess different business scenarios, instantly see the impact on financial performance, and generate rolling forecasts. 
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CCH Tagetik is transforming the finance day-to-day activities from a simple compliance approach to more integrated thinking.
Massimo Romano - Group Integrated Reporting and CFO Hub at Generali Group
Each month, we provide our CFO with a very clear, compact report on operations. Here, we not only compare actual revenues, orders, EBITDA, cash flow and other KPIs to our forecasts, we also explain the reasons for the variances and suggest possible actions to mitigate risks.
Valentina D'Addario - Director Group Reporting and Financial Controlling at Leonardo (Ex Finmeccanica SPA)

Key capabilities you will gain with CCH Tagetik Integrated Reporting

Consistency is a key tenant of CCH Tagetik’s unified platform connects to all ERPs and applications, acting as your organization’s single trusted data hub. With rolling reports, automatic data refresh, and customizable templates, you can be confident your reports are consistent.

  • Connect all data in a single trusted source
  • Analyze financial and non-financial data
  • Cascading real-time data for consistency
  • Workflow, audit trail and data governance
  • Communication tools for collaborative reporting
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Key benefits you will gain with CCH Tagetik Integrated Reporting

CCH Tagetik streamlines your processes, automates risk management and enables you to combine KPI’s, narrative and standard financial statements together for quick and accurate reporting and disclosures.

  • Streamline processes with unified platform
  • Improve quality of external reporting
  • Imbed integrating thinking inside organization
  • Reduce risk with workflow and audit trail
  • Remove siloes and align all stakeholders

Integrated Reporting Resources

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About Integrated Reporting

  • What is integrated reporting - IR?

    Integrated reporting, or <IR>, is a philosophy that values the ability to communicate future business value over the short, medium and long term above all else. How does <IR> purport companies should do this? Through the communication of an integrated story to internal and external stakeholders that describes how all resources are contributing to the larger picture. <IR> promotes holistic, unified strategies, plans and budgets with investors and stakeholders top of mind.

    According to the International Integrated Reporting Council, integrated reporting focuses on the following guiding principles:
    • Strategic focus and future orientation
    • Connectivity of information
    • Stakeholder relationships
    • Materiality
    • Conciseness
    • Reliability and completeness
    • Consistency and comparability

    It also includes eight content elements:

    • Organizational overview and external environment
    • Governance
    • Business model
    • Risks and opportunities
    • Strategy and resource allocation
    • Performance
    • Outlook
    • Basis of preparation and presentation
    • General reporting guidance

    When these principles and elements are fulfilled, decision making processes are placed into context with operational and financial realities, a goal which has the potential to improve the viability of the company long term. When each department’s goals are weighed against one another, well rounded decisions prevail. 

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