advisory services post COVID-19 world
Tax & Accounting07 October, 2020

Article: The rise of advisory services in a post COVID-19 world

Your clients will be looking to your expertise as they face this period of change and uncertainty in the new normal. They will be relying on you the accountant for real-time data-rich conversations as they navigate the change ahead as well as your advice on the changing compliance and government incentives.

Why? There is no one better positioned to advise your clients on how to improve profitability, prepare forecasts and build a strategic narrative. We have already seen many of our customers experience the increasing demand for advisory services. The future of the accountant may well lie in advisory.

In this article, Phil Thornton, Lead Technology Product Manager for Digital, explores the role the accountant will play in the post COVID-19 world.

You will find out:

  • how uncertainty brought on first by digitalisation, Brexit and then a global pandemic will be a catalyst to diversify your services
  • how technology will be a key component in creating an efficient practice built for advisory services, and not a barrier to future practice growth
  • the power of business insight and how you can prepare your clients for the future
  • how you can create efficiency in proactive advisory services
  • about new tools that Wolters Kluwer have in development to do all this and more.

The accounting industry is poised for growth if accountants can seize the opportunities that will present themselves over the coming years. Download this article to find out how you can embrace the role the accountant can play in the post-lockdown.

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