legal technology
Legal29 April, 2021

Legal departments in the U.K. say the use of technology is expected to grow

When legal technology is discussed, a couple of questions are usually asked: What is legal technology, and what is the value it brings to the legal department? With tighter budgets than their private practice counterparts, adoption has been slower in in-house legal departments.

The pandemic has, of course, had a hand here. “Businesses need to move, suddenly it’s no longer a question of comfort or preference, it’s a question of continuation,” says Maurits Annegarn, Segment Manager of corporate legal at Wolters Kluwer’s Legal Software unit.


A lot of adaptations have been made over the last year, and that’s taken away a level of fear and resistance to change that was there before.
Maurits Annegarn, Segment Manager of corporate legal at Wolters Kluwer’s Legal Software unit
Recent research conducted by Wolters Kluwer in association with The Lawyer among more than 130 legal departments across the U.K. showed that respondents believe the role of legal tech is expected to grow. All respondents feel that they will use some form of legal tech every day within five years’ time, and 37 per cent of respondents believe it will be used in 60 to 100 percent of their work. It’s clear that change is imminent, and legal departments are wondering how to prepare for it.

Learn more about the top changes legal departments across the U.K. are planning in our report, Demonstrating value: legal technology and your in-house legal department. This report looks at how legal technology can improve efficiency within the modern in-house legal department and dives deeper into the type of technology that is in use today and what technologies legal departments are implementing in the near future.

Get the full report here



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