In this latest episode, Kiran Nasir Gore, Associate Editor of Kluwer Arbitration Blog, interviews Dr Herfried Wöss, Partner of Wöss & Partners. Herfried acts as an international arbitrator and counsel. The podcast ‘Quantifying International Disputes’ centers on the issues that arise in the context of damages and valuation analyses in international disputes. Listen to the trailer below or the full discussion.
Legal14 December, 2023
Podcast: Quantifying International Disputes
Highlights of the podcast: Quantifying International Disputes
A few takeaways from the conversation include:
- When assessing damages and valuation in international disputes. Herfried recommends that counsel proceed in four steps:
- Identifying the type of contract at issue (whether it is an interchange contract, for the exchange of goods or services for money, or whether it is an
income-generating contract); - Identifying the measure of damages permitted under the applicable law;
- Identifying the evidence available to support the structuring of a legal claim;
- Maintaining a solid understanding of the applicable law.
- A vital piece of the puzzle is to select a high-quality quantum expert to help present a client’s case.
- How different approaches to damages and valuation are being considered in the ongoing work of UNCITRAL Working Group III, which may influence future cases in this field.
Listen to the full discussion: Quantifying International Disputes, by Kiran Nasir Gore & Herfried Wöss.
Listen to the trailer: Quantifying International Disputes
Listen to the trailer: Quantifying International Disputes
More insights on damages & valuation
To learn more about damages and valuation in international arbitration, watch for Kluwer Arbitration’s forthcoming new topic on Damages and Valuation in the Practical Insights by Topic tool or learn more about Kluwer Arbitration Practical Tools.
This podcast episode is part of International Law Talk. Wolters Kluwer will bring you insightful analysis, commentary and discussion from thought leaders and experts on current topics in the field of International Arbitration, IP Law, International Tax Law, Competition Law and other international legal fields.