Tax & Accounting21 March, 2025

Report: AI in accounting in the UK

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology represents a turning point for many industries, including the accounting industry, as we see a shift in the way accountants are working as a result.  

In this report, we surveyed 100 accountants to discover how they’re using AI, what type of AI they’re using, their opinion on AI technology, their trust in it, and what they think the future will look like. 

Our key findings include: 

  • High adoption, particularly among young accountants  
    91% of accountants are using AI, or plan to use it in the future, with a 29% higher adoption rate among 18-24-years-olds, than accountants aged 55 or above. 
  • Concerns include safety and accuracy, and the fear of jobs being taken  
    The biggest concern accountants have about the technology is the accuracy of results (43%). There’s still hesitation about what AI will mean for the industry, despite its ubiquity. 
  • Accountants are trusting of AI technology  
    Aside from concerns about what AI will mean for the way they work, and their jobs, UK accountants are actually very trusting of the technology. 71% of accountants are satisfied, or very satisfied, with the government’s response to AI, and that they’re doing enough to regulate it. 
  • AI is key for shaping the future of accounting  
    Accountants are optimistic about the future of accounting with AI, as when asked which one area it’ll have the biggest impact on, 38% said it’ll unlock efficiency and time savings for accountants, and 37% said it’ll help accountants offer better advisory services. 

Read the full report to discover all our findings, and how you can act on these insights.

Complete the form to download our report.

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