Tax & Accounting04 July, 2024

Whitepaper: How to use AI to grow your accounting practice

Did you know that 82% of accountants are excited by AI, but only 25% are actively investing in AI training?

If you feel unsure about the idea of using AI in your practice, you’re not alone. While it’s garnered a lot of interest,  accountants aren’t always using it to the best of its potential.

In this whitepaper, we talk you through everything you need to know about AI in the accounting world, from the different types of AI you can apply to practice, to their uses. The aim is to give you an understanding of  its functionalities and benefits for growing your practice. At the end of the whitepaper, we offer an FAQ section to offer quick answers to any questions you may have.

Download the whitepaper to learn: 

  • What is AI in accounting practices?
  • Understand different AI functionalities for accountants.
  • How is AI changing accountants' roles?
  • Will AI replace accountants?
  • How to use AI in your accounting practice.
  • The benefits of artificial intelligence in practice.
  • FAQs about AI in accounting. 

Complete the form to download our whitepaper.

CCH iFirm

Cloud-based accounting

Elevate your accounting practice with CCH iFirm, a collaborative cloud-based accountancy solution.
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