Navigating base erosion and profit shifting
In a post-BEPS world, Multinational Corporations (MNCs) face more intense scrutiny from authorities than ever over their international transfer pricing arrangements, arm’s length profit and profit allocation. MNCs that fail to properly manage these issues face significant risks including penalties for non-compliance and public backlash over corporate social responsibility.
Solving transfer pricing problems
CCH Integrator is a cloud based, highly configurable platform allowing you to consolidate all your tax and transfer pricing related data in a single location. The source data can come from any system (or person) anywhere in the world. The platform provides an all-important single source of truth that can be used for any form of regulatory compliance and reporting.
Country-by-country reporting – a world of benefit
Cloud-based for rapid deployment, Country-by-Country Data Collection & Reporting automates the collection, consolidation, validation and reporting process to deliver lodgement-ready data.
Consolidate all your data
Tax and transfer pricing in a single location, no matter where you are in the world.
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