Our clients have been choosing us because of our long-term vision, in-depth expertise and award-winning technology. These attributes enable clients to not only achieve regulatory compliance but they also provide a platform for leveraging the investment already made, generating deeper insight and helping to improve decision-making.
Delivered both on-cloud and on-premise, OneSumX for Regulatory Reporting improves accuracy, timeliness, quality, and efficiency of financial firms' regulatory reporting processes. It covers all types of reporting, including:
- Financial reporting (e.g. FINREP)
- Prudential reporting (e.g. COREP, BCAR, FRY-14)
- Transactional reporting (e.g. MiFID II)
- Statistical reporting (e.g. Economic & Financial Statistics)
- Granular reporting (e.g. AnaCredit or MAS 610)
- Multi-dimensional reporting (e.g. Smart Cubes )