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A Federal EIN Identifies Your Business

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a taxpayer identification number for federal tax purposes and basically acts like a Social Security Number for a business. The IRS uses it to identify a business, and it must be included on all business tax filings. An EIN is required if your business has employees and banks typically require an EIN in order to open a business bank account. Other companies that you do business with may also require that your company provide an EIN to pay invoices.

If you currently operate your business as a sole proprietorship or general partnership and want to incorporate or form an LLC, you must obtain a new Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) for your business.

Guide to obtaining your EIN

  • BizFilings obtains your Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) from the IRS on behalf of your business. This service is included in our Complete Incorporation Service or can be added to the Basic and Standard Incorporation Services. EIN obtainment can also be purchased as a stand-alone service.
  • Turn-around. The typical turn-around time for this service is 2-3 days after we receive approval of your incorporation filing from the state.
  • Available online. Once BizFilings receives the Federal Tax ID Number from the IRS, your EIN will be made available within our Online Status Center and emailed to you.

Please note the IRS may require additional information which may lengthen the time to obtain your EIN. We will contact you if this happens.

EIN essential step

Obtaining an EIN is one of the first steps most business owners take after incorporation, since an EIN is typically required to open a business bank account, and is required on federal tax filings.

Steps to Take After Incorporation

State tax ID numbers

Some states also require companies to have a state tax identification number in addition to the federal EIN. With our Deluxe Incorporation Service, BizFilings provides you with the appropriate state form to complete this in states that have this requirement.

State LLC and Corporation Guides

What is a Federal Tax ID Number or EIN?

A Federal Tax Identification Number is also known as an Employer Identification Number, EIN, and federal EIN. The IRS uses this unique, nine-digit number to identify the business. An EIN must be included on all federal tax filings the business makes. An EIN is required if your business has employees, and it is a general requirement for LLCs and corporations (whether they have employees or not). Banks also usually require an EIN to open a business bank account.

Can I reuse the Federal Tax ID Number/Federal EIN from my sole proprietorship?

The IRS requires that you get a new EIN when there is a change of business structure. If you wish to convert your sole proprietorship or general partnership to a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation, you must obtain a new EIN for the business.

Does an LLC or corporation need an EIN?

LLCs and corporations are generally required to obtain a federal EIN. Single-member LLCs (LLCs with just one owner) are not required to obtain an EIN unless they have employees or file excise tax returns.

Note: Your LLC or corporation may also be required to obtain a state tax ID number.

How do I apply for a Federal EIN?

Businesses apply for an EIN by preparing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form SS-4 and filing it with the IRS. BizFilings can assist with the obtainment of your company's EIN number from the IRS on your behalf. Simply complete our Federal Tax ID EIN online order form.

Do I need to file tax paperwork with my state?

Some states also require a State Tax Identification Number. BizFilings can help obtain a State Tax ID Number in states that require one for all business entities. State Tax ID Number form preparation is included in our Complete Incorporation Service in these states, and can be added to the Basic and Standard Incorporation Services. To learn if your state requires a separate number, visit our state guides.

How do I obtain an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)?

If you do not have a Social Security Number, you must have an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) in order to apply for an EIN. To obtain an ITIN from the IRS, complete and mail IRS Form W-7. You can get started by printing Form W-7 and the associated instruction sheet.

How can I look up a company's EIN?

To find the EIN of a publicly traded company, you can use the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR database. Simply enter the company name in the "Company and Person Lookup" search field and review its most recent Form 10-Q or Form 10-K filing.

Federal Tax ID (EIN) Obtainment Ordering Details

The following requirements apply to ordering an EIN:

  • To get the Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) for your business, you must provide your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN).
  • BizFilings does not assist with form preparation or the obtainment of the ITIN, but you can download Form W-7 to complete and provide to the IRS.
  • The individual applying for the Federal Tax ID Number/EIN is also required to provide a physical U.S. address. P.O. boxes are not acceptable.

Obtain a Federal Tax ID


As a stand alone service, or is included in our Complete Incorporation Service package.

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