Our in-house experts are all New Zealand-qualified specialists with experience across a wide range of practice areas. All of our experts are located in New Zealand, and many have post-graduate degrees coupled with years of practical industry experience. Our editorial team works alongside well-respected industry experts and practitioners to bring you information of the highest professional standard. Our teams constantly monitor legislative change, cases, and rulings to provide easy-to-understand summary and analysis — allowing you to get to the answer quicker.

Vicki Ammundsen
Director, Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law
Vicki Ammundsen (BSc (Otago), BCom, LLB (University of Auckland) TEP) is a director at Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law.
Senior Content Management Analyst, Wolters Kluwer
Lester is an experienced former practitioner, working as a property lawyer for over 20 years. Lester joined Wolters Kluwer in 2009 and writes and edits the New Zealand property law practice area.
Carla Cross
Senior Content Management Analyst, Wolters Kluwer
Carla Cross (BJuris, BProc, MTaxS, TEP) is admitted as a solicitor and barrister of the High Court of South Africa and the High Court of New Zealand. She specialises in tax and trust law.
Senior Content Management Analyst, Wolters Kluwer
After several years in legal practice, Denise joined Wolters Kluwer in the late 1980s. She currently writes and edits content across the New Zealand employment law practice area.
Content Manager, CCH Business Fitness NZ
Michele joined Wolters Kluwer in 2005 and manages production of regular content updates of CCH Business Fitness NZ content across Wolters Kluwer products and BOMA's digital marketing platform.
Rizwana Saheed
Senior Content Management Analyst, Wolters Kluwer
Rizwana Saheed (BCom (Hons), MTaxS) works as a CCH senior tax analyst and has over 15 years of experience working in the tax field.
Harriet Zhang
Senior Content Management Analyst, Wolters Kluwer
Harriet Zhang (MProfAcctg, MTaxS, CA) works as a CCH senior tax analyst and has over 8 years of practical experience working in the tax field. She writes and edits content in the New Zealand income tax practice area.
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