Leading trusted learning tools for community and public health nursing education

Today’s nurses play a critical part in advancing health equity and improved health for all, regardless of practice setting.

That’s why our Community and Public Health learning tools for nursing students are designed to not only cultivate the clinical judgment and decision-making capabilities for effective practice but also instill the skills to promote health and prevent disease in the most at-risk and vulnerable community settings and patient populations.

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Total preparation for today’s community and public health nursing challenges

Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 11th Edition

Mary Jo Stanley, PhD, RN, CNE; Charlene Niemi, PhD, MSN, RN, PHN

Equip future nurses with skills to tackle complex health challenges and promote well-being for diverse populations. With enhanced clinical judgment, a focus on vulnerable groups, and insights into public health issues, it empowers students to advance health, prevent disease, and protect at-risk populations.

  • NEW! Chapter on veterans’ health aids students in bridging the military/civilian healthcare divide.
  • NEW! Case studies enhance clinical judgment by applying the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) to real-world public health scenarios.
  • UPDATED! C/PHN use of the nursing process/clinical judgment boxes emphasize key concepts, helping students confidently apply the nursing process and CJMM in public health nursing.
  • Evidence-based practice callouts train students to use current research for optimal public/community health outcomes.
  • Stories from the field boxes immerse students in real-life healthcare narratives, building familiarity with practical interventions.
View Preface And Sample Chapter

Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice, 4th Edition

Rosanna F. Demarco, PhD, RN, PHCNS-BC, APHN-BC, FAAN; Judith Healey-Walsh, PhD, RN

Empower students to use clinical evidence to promote health and improve lives across diverse populations. This 4th Edition is enriched with cultural diversity, ethical considerations, Healthy People 2030 objectives, and more to help students confidently embrace the nursing challenges they’ll encounter in today’s community-based settings.  

  • Integrated case studies stimulate critical thinking and analytic skills.
  • Evidence for practice briefs offer objective evidence obtained from research studies and guide you in making practice decisions.
  • Student reflections make chapter content relatable with relevant insights from real students.
  • Active-learning activities from Healthy People 2030 to help students apply goals to real-life scenarios.
View Preface And Sample Chapter

Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing

Caroline Varner Coburn, DNP, MS, APRN, ANP-BC; Deena Gilland, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN; Beth Ann Swan, PhD, RN, FAAN

Reflecting the expert insight of leading names in the field, this detailed text clarifies important distinctions in acute and ambulatory care settings and demonstrates how students can use research and data to change practice and meet standards of excellence for individuals and families in ambulatory care.

  • Key points summarize essential takeaways at a glance.
  • Clear, concise chapters demonstrate key differences between acute and ambulatory nursing approaches.
  • Case studies with accompanying critical thinking questions challenge students to apply concepts to real-world ambulatory care scenarios.
View Preface and Sample Chapter

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