Discover the power of customer experience in achieving your strategic goals

Improving customer experience is increasingly becoming essential to a firm's success. Advancing your workplace technology can enable your firm to grow and manage business more efficiently. In order to properly take advantage of the benefits of technology, firms need to adopt an approach centered on improving the customer experience across all processes, channels, and touchpoints. 

This White Paper highlights survey research conducted by Arizent and Accounting Today to better understand the digital tool and firm management adoption trajectory of small-to-mid-sized accounting firms, as well as how these actions relate to growth goals. The results reveal not only the actions firms are taking to improve technology but also gaps in their action plans—and ways to close those gaps.  

Download the White Paper to learn:

  • How your firm can utilize opportunities to make the most out of your technology
  • How to better align your growth tactics with your strategic goals
  • How customer experience can help your firm achieve more efficient growth
  • How to develop a more comprehensive growth strategy
Learn more about the research findings and download the White Paper now! >>
Focus on the client experience
Focus on the client experience

“Firms need to start thinking about their value differently, and thinking about ways to communicate that value to their clients. They can’t do that if they don’t focus their efforts on improvements that help clients, directly or indirectly.”


- Mark McAndrew, Product Director, Wolters Kluwer

Key insights from nearly 120 technology decision-makers and users nationwide.

Firms are eager to grow and expand their business and have varying growth strategies to achieve their strategic goals.

96% of firms reported they are taking steps to grow their business.

Firms are missing out on opportunities to utilize data analytics and CRM technology to produce revenue opportunities.

Only 38% of firms reported "Using data and analytics to understand and improve organizational processes" as one of their strategic goals.

Firms are focused on recruiting new business clients while missing out on opportunities to enhance technology to streamline processes.

61% of firms report they are actively trying to recruit new business clients, while only 32% are taking steps to improve their CRM systems.

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