After a retrospective analysis of recent bank failures, Deloitte concluded that banks should "expect heightened regulatory scrutiny on the fundamentals of banks' business models, risk management programs… and issue escalation." Internal auditors are perfectly positioned to prepare their organizations for increased regulatory attention during bank audits. In this article, we will explore the areas internal audit leaders can focus on to prepare for a more stringent audit of banking processes.
Strategic risk governance
Auditors should have a deep understanding of their organization's business strategy. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) pursued a rapid growth strategy, but the level of growth outpaced management's ability to "transition to heightened standards" and to correctly identify risks to the business caused by rapid growth, according to a Federal Reserve review. In an audit of banking strategy, internal auditors can ensure proper risks have been considered in line with the business model. For example, SVB should have considered whether they were prepared for increased compliance requirements as they moved up in tiers. An audit of banking risks could have reevaluated control processes as the bank became more complex and offered new financial products.