ComplianceTax & AccountingJanuary 02, 2025

IRA distributions and federal income tax withholding: IRS Releases 2025 Form W-4R


On December 17, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) posted the 2025 version of Form W-4R, Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions. Form W-4R, mandatory to use for many IRA distributions taken in 2023 and later, brought significant changes to the federal income tax withholding process.

Main points

1. Annual Revision: The IRS will update Form W-4R annually, incorporating Marginal Rate Tables that are subject to annual adjustments. This ensures that IRA recipients of IRA distributions and IRA custodians and trustees stay current with the latest withholding guidelines.

2. Withholding Election: Recipients can choose any percentage (zero to 100 percent in a whole number only) of a taxable IRA distribution to be withheld and remitted to the IRS. Notably, this is a departure from previous election limitations and offers greater flexibility to IRA distribution recipients.

3. Default Withholding Rate: In the absence of a specific withholding election, the default withholding rate is set at 10 percent of an IRA distribution. This is a critical point for IRA distribution recipients who have not made an election.


Before the introduction of Form W-4R, IRA distribution recipients used Form W-4P to make a federal income tax withholding election. However, Form W-4R is now used to make a federal income tax withholding election for taxable nonperiodic payments, encompassing many IRA distributions.

Wolters Kluwer forms' users

Wolters Kluwer forms' users have access to IRS Form W-4R, Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (Form IRA-W-4R-LAZ). While this form is not included on traditional and SIMPLE IRA distribution-related forms due to its denser content and annual updates, Wolters Kluwer ensures convenient access for IRA custodians and trustees.

Annual withholding notification requirement

The responsibility of IRA custodians and trustees for the annual withholding notification remains unchanged. This requirement is particularly relevant for IRA owners and beneficiaries who receive scheduled automatic distributions. The annual notice serves as a reminder for recipients to review and, if necessary, update their withholding election on Form W-4R.

Annual deadline to begin using Form W-4R

The 2025 IRS Form W-4R should be used starting January 1, 2025. The IRS also indicates in Publication 15-A,”For payers using electronic or paper substitutes for Form W-4R, substitute forms for the 2025 Form W-4R incorporating all changes made to the 2025 Form W-4R and complying with the guidelines provided here must be in use by the later of January 1, 2025, or 30 days after the IRS releases the final version of the 2025 Form W-4R”.


The 2025 Form W-4R provides a vital framework for managing federal income tax withholding for IRA distributions. With its annual updates and enhanced flexibility, it empowers IRA holders to tailor their withholding preferences more precisely. As custodians and trustees adapt to this new form, maintaining awareness of the yearly revisions is paramount to ensuring compliance and accuracy in withholding practices. Subscribers to the Wolters Kluwer IRA Library or IRA Electronic Book can read more about Federal Income Tax Withholding in Volume 1, Chapter 6, Distributions and Federal Income Tax Withholding. Stay informed, stay compliant.

For an opportunity to learn more about IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts including Health Savings Accounts and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, consider the Wolters Kluwer IRA Library or our on-demand video training offered on a variety of topics. GO HERE to learn more about training opportunities available to you, or you can call us at 1-800-552-9408.

James Hrycyna Jr.
Senior Specialized Consultant
With more than 20 years of financial services industry experience, James’ has worked with individuals to meet their financial goals and currently works with financial organizations in creating, implementing, and maintaining their tax-advantaged accounts program.
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