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Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing
- Editors:
- Hooper, Vallire D., PhD, RN, CPAN, FASPAN, FAAN ; Odom-Forren, Jan, MS, RN, CPAN, FAAN
- Publisher:
- Elsevier
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 1.6 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
- 1089-9472
Also Recommended
Provides original, peer-reviewed research for a primary audience that includes nurses in perianesthesia settings, including ambulatory surgery, preadmission testing, postanesthesia (Phases I, II, and III) care, and pain management.
The journal provides a forum for sharing professional knowledge and experience relating to management, ethics, legislation, research, and other aspects of perianesthesia nursing.
The journal provides a forum for sharing professional knowledge and experience relating to management, ethics, legislation, research, and other aspects of perianesthesia nursing.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Elsevier
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Hooper, Vallire D., PhD, RN, CPAN, FASPAN, FAAN ; Odom-Forren, Jan, MS, RN, CPAN, FAAN
- 1089-9472
- Specialty:
- Anesthesiology
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Bi-Monthly
- Coverage:
- Feb 2005 - Present
- Pdf Coverage:
- Feb 2005 - Present
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 1.6 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
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