Exceptionally risky

Our experience suggests that about 25% of motor vehicle loans face perfection issues.

However, resolving these issues is a burden for lenders and borrowers, as most tasks are manual, time consuming, hard to complete, and lacking clarity and visibility. And while vehicle loans remain unperfected, you are at risk.

Why hire additional employees or work your staff overtime to clear a backlog of work or handle administrative headaches? Trust the experts at Lien Solutions to handle all your motor vehicle projects quickly, accurately, and efficiently.

We help lenders and borrowers secure lien perfection and reduce risk by providing:

  • Exception reports to address exception lists and resolve issues in a lien portfolio that are not yet perfected
  • Mergers & acquisitions reports to add/remove lien holders as necessary, clean up a lien portfolio by verifying title status, and take corrective steps to ensure lien perfection and protect newly acquired assets
  • Health check reports to identify issues that are threatening lien perfection and to uncover possible fraud
  • Toll violation reports to correctly attribute toll violation fees
  • Paper title storage for hard-copy security with effortless viewing and retrieval of digital versions

Let us do the heavy lifting

We're your one-stop lien management source for handling perfection issues and securing title documentation, including:

  • VIN searches to verify if the lien has been placed
  • Duplicate titles so you can have proof of perfection
  • Lien adds to identify the lender as the lien holder
  • NMVTIS search to identify possible fraud and to see titling history
  • Toll violations to identify the appropriate party responsible for the violations
  • Paper title import to prevent physical loss, reduce manual filing/retrieval, and secure access
stressed out office worker,

As the market leader, we deliver:

Expert attention and consultative service. 

Fast turnaround time for the most time-consuming projects.

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Expertise to handle jurisdictional challenges and complex projects.

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Visibility into the status of your projects.

"I have been receiving great service from the iLien Motor Vehicle folks in obtaining duplicate titles! Once I got the hang of the process, it has really worked well in tracking down missing titles."
— Cheryl Behan, Lien Solutions Motor Vehicle customer

Driving tangible results:

 75 percent
We processed more than 400 lien adds for one customer in less than 90 days. Previously, it had taken them 12 months to do the lien adds in-house.

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