University of Toledo Header
ComplianceTháng Năm 10, 2024

University of Toledo: Small teams doing big things

Working at the college university level, greater efficiency is a top priority for the small team of internal auditors at the University of Toledo. A focus on enhanced standards reporting and increased visibility across projects is essential to continued success.

TeamMate recently spoke with David Cutri, Chief Audit Executive / Chief Compliance Officer, to learn more about the training process after TeamMate+ was implemented:

  • Moving away from spreadsheets and Word documents and realizing the potential that TeamMate+ has to offer.
  • Attending training that reinforces the key points and allows for greater comprehension.
  • Automating the audit workflow at a time when more is expected from you and from the professional community. 
Everyone was exceptionally patient with us to ensure our objectives were met. And, when it comes to this level of technology, patience was very much appreciated.
David Cutri, Chief Audit Executive / Chief Compliance Officer, University of Toledo

Download the Case Study

Inside this case study, you'll learn how this small internal audit team was able to realize greater operational efficiencies while preparing for the updated IIA Standards.
Dành cho các kiểm toán viên đang gặp khó khăn trong việc cải thiện năng suất kiểm toán đồng thời đưa ra những hiểu biết mang tính chiến lược. TeamMate cung cấp các giải pháp chuyên môn, được cung cấp cùng với các dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp cao cấp, cho các kiểm toán viên trên toàn cầu và trong mọi ngành.
Các giải pháp
TeamMate+ Audit
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