Tax & Accounting11 December, 2024

eBook: Your MTD for income tax guide

Despite delays to the government’s rollout of making tax digital (MTD), the scheme is now set to go ahead in April 2026.

Building on the introduction of MTD for VAT (MTDfVAT), the government announced that MTD for income tax self-assessment (ITSA, often referred to as MTDfITSA) will be introduced from April 2026, being rolled out in a phased approach. The move to digital tax intends to help people budget for their tax bill more effectively and reduce the risk of human error, but what does it mean for you as an accountant?

Download the eBook to learn:

  • What is making tax digital for income tax self-assessment?
  • What the requirements are for MTD.
  • How can you prepare for MTD for income tax?
  • What is the timeline for MTD for income tax?
  • Who is affected by the scheme?
  • How does the taxpayer, and HMRC, benefit from MTD?
  • How to prepare your firm and your clients for MTD, making it an opportunity instead of a headache.
  • Get answers to all your frequently asked questions.
  • Why Wolters Kluwer is your trusted partner for making tax digital.
  • Plus, get a glossary of key MTD terms, to further your understanding.

Complete the form to download our eBook.

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