Evidence-based information at the point of care

Clear, accessible, and robust clinical decision support (CDS) tools are needed more than ever. Information within CDS solutions need to support prioritization of care – solutions that add effort and alert fatigue to an over-burdened workforce can lead to clinical errors and poor diagnoses.

Clinical decision support needs to cut through the vast amounts of medical and drug information by incorporating the latest peer-reviewed research and skills to advise clinicians on the right care decision at the right time for the right patient. Having a common information source expertly updated and harmonized across multiple solutions for the latest research findings and drug information standardizes care and decision making across the health continuum.

By leveraging leading, award-winning, evidence-based clinical decision support solutions across hospitals, national health systems, and pharmacies, administrators and clinicians can reduce clinical variation and costs, improve quality of care, advance health equity, and impact patient outcomes.

Solutions to equip and empower clinical teams in hospitals, health systems, and pharmacies

Our suite of evidence-based solutions provides clinical leaders and their teams with the latest information to impact patient care and improve health outcomes, safety, and equity.

Solutions to equip and empower clinicians, pharmacists and practices

Time-strapped medical professionals and small clinical teams need the latest evidence-based clinical information at their fingertips to support numerous patient care decisions, medication prescribing, and improving outcomes.

Additional insights on clinical decision support solutions
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