Businessmen in meeting with client
LegalJune 13, 2024

Introducing LegalCollaborator: Revolutionizing legal engagement

LegalCollaborator, the newest innovation from Wolters Kluwer ELM Solutions, is transforming the way corporate legal departments manage firm engagement and competitive bidding. Integrated with the robust Passport® and TyMetrix® 360° platforms, LegalCollaborator enables legal teams to effortlessly gather detailed matter data and solicit competitive bids from multiple firms. This innovative solution facilitates transparent, apples-to-apples comparisons, ensuring the best value and compliance with pricing agreements and e-billing guidelines. By automating these processes, LegalCollaborator not only enhances productivity but also drives significant cost savings and better legal outcomes.

The legal engagement capabilities of LegalCollaborator can be used with or without the tool’s competitive bidding features. Among the benefits that LegalCollaborator offers to those using legal engagement only are:

  • Better collaboration: LegalCollaborator fosters stronger partnerships between legal departments and law firms. Improved communication and coordination result in better legal services and outcomes.
  • Improved productivity: Automation of routine tasks frees up legal professionals to focus on more strategic activities. This increase in productivity accelerates the legal process and enhances response times.
  • Elevated vendor management: LegalCollaborator enhances transparency between client and firm, providing a better understanding of how a firm will staff a matter, meet diversity requirements, and approach matter resolution and conflicts.

Legal departments that choose to leverage competitive bidding can also recognize the following benefits:

  • Cost savings: By driving competitive bidding, LegalCollaborator helps reduce legal costs. Additionally, automation reduces administrative expenses, contributing to overall cost efficiency.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Real-time data and transparent comparisons facilitate better firm selection. Informed decisions lead to improved legal outcomes, benefiting the organization as a whole.
  • Increased billing compliance: Seamless integration with Passport and TyMetrix 360° allows the platforms to enforce the hourly or AFA pricing agreed to at engagement, improving the legal department’s ability to reduce spend leakage.

LegalCollaborator by ELM Solutions is a game-changer for corporate legal departments, offering features that streamline firm engagement and competitive bidding processes. With its robust integration, data-driven insights, and enforcement capacity, LegalCollaborator enhances productivity, reduces costs, and helps legal teams reach their business goals. Discover more about LegalCollaborator here.

Enterprise legal management
Market-leading provider of enterprise legal spend and matter management, AI-powered legal bill review, and legal analytics solutions
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