HealthSeptember 16, 2024

Navigating data alignment strategies in life sciences: An introductory guide

More data means more challenges in life sciences—smart organizations are turning to an experienced partner as a guide.

Data is the new currency for life sciences organizations. But, with so much data available, the complexity of acquiring, synthesizing, and acting upon it grows as well.

Sources like drug data, clinical evidence, internet usage, clinical trial data, administrative records, and population health data complicate the life sciences data landscape. And each source brings with it new and often unforeseen levels of complexity and exposure.

Because of increasing fragmentation, life science organizations should prioritize cohesion in their data sourcing—strong and consistent relationships between divergent data sources that unify data into a connected data asset primed for analysis. Achieving this goal of aligned and standardized inputs across complex sources can yield not only efficiency but also positive return on investment (ROI) and reduced risk.

To properly navigate opportunities and drive better business decisions, life sciences leaders should understand the potential of this emerging dynamic.

Data is defining the future of life sciences solutions

An average top-20 pharmaceutical company could unlock more than $300 million yearly over the next three to five years by adopting real-world evidence (RWE) across the value chain, according to McKinsey. But the complexity and varying nature of these sources will hold any organization back from their goals. Common issues include:

  • Biases in data
  • Underlying quality challenges
  • The opacity of approaches like deep learning, generative adversarial networks, and convolutional neural networks
  • Resource intensity of comprehensive data appraisal

Data leaders in life sciences need fast access to reliable evidence and research. Success will hinge on expert perspectives that speed development and minimize risk in navigating a complex data landscape.

Driving value through data cohesion

Leaders who create value from data in this environment will be rewarded. This optimization starts with sourcing analysis.

Identify unmet needs and goals

Most life sciences organizations already have a significant amount of data—some sourced, and some generated—to work with. But with the benefit of a base of data comes an opportunity for a fresh review. By looking across the organization at multiple departments and both their data needs and the potential ROI from data insights, life sciences companies may find new opportunities for data alignment to drive operations.

Leadership should also consider KPIs that define success, including ROI. An audit of all external and internal data at this point can also be helpful in identifying gaps and excesses that require deeper attention.

Assess current sources

After analysis of needs and sources, evaluating current suppliers should be a priority. Evaluate how collaborative each source is as well as how transparent. Do they provide convenient data formats that meet your needs? Do they offer different data types from multiple sources? How does their quality rank in terms of consistency, age, and validity? Do you have opportunities to engage with data providers that minimize risk and maximize opportunity in these areas?

Map your goals in life sciences analytics

At this step, you should solidify your progression from simply collecting data, moving into a level of application that prioritizes cohesion. Set standards, including:

  • Creating meaningful substantive connections between all sources
  • Establishing the ability to integrate data from any source
  • Supporting high levels of usability for all end-users
  • Prioritizing seamless data interoperability and exchange
  • Developing robust and rigorous data governance processes
  • Balancing sustainability and data quality

As you are building out these goals, be mindful of existing talent shortages. For life sciences organizations, this issue is doubly complex, since total lab and R&D space is expected to increase by more than 20% and new drugs and innovations will heavily fuel growth in the industry.

Advancing data as an asset with UpToDate

Maturing from simple data collection to cohesive application starts with a data and reference strategy that brings your teams together to optimize the use of fragmented clinical and drug information. A partner that understands the exponential growth in life sciences data and the corresponding potential at your organization is an invaluable asset in reducing risk and maximizing ROI of your decisions.

Life sciences and research organizations trust UpToDate® for Life Sciences as a source of evidence-based clinical information, to support smart business decision-making and staying current in an unwieldy data landscape. It is a respected and experienced provider in the healthcare industry, with deep historical understanding of not only data, but the practical realities of the type of change that defines the healthcare and life sciences industries.

Explore how clinical data can boost your ROI in this infographic

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