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ComplianceJune 19, 2024

Strategic Focus: AI and the Revolution of EHS Compliance

Download this report from Verdantix, an independent research firm, that clarifies what constitutes an AI solution and offers advice on how to assess AI capabilities of vendors.

What's Inside

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making great developmental strides. Generative AI has widely infiltrated organizational workflows. Verdantix, an independent research firm, finds that AI has major implications for EHS management, software users, and the wider workforce. AI EHS use cases align with market demand for simplified, automated, and intelligent tools that can help ease the workload of EHS professionals.

This report clarifies what constitutes an AI solution and offers advice on how to discerningly assess vendors’ AI capabilities. It includes a comprehensive overview of existing EHS AI use cases, and guidance on the data architecture required to successfully apply machine learning (ML) models for EHS.

Key Takeaways

Learn more about:

  • EHS AI use cases and how they are grouped into four key domains
  • Prioritization of AI use cases for EHS
  • Questions to assess technology vendors’ AI capabilities
  • How AI projects will force firms to critically assess EHS data management systems
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