After completing her master's degree in business and organisational development with a focus on controlling, finance and risk management, Verena Hämmerle started her professional career at the 4C Group in 2017. There, she focused primarily on the implementation of planning and consolidation solutions as well as the implementation of IFRS16 guidelines. As a solution architect for planning solutions, she managed numerous CCH® Tagetik projects. To enhance her expertise, she completed a comprehensive ESG certification.
During her time as Senior CPM Consultant at pmOne Group, she focused on building complex solution architectures with a focus on ESG & Sustainability Reporting and the implementation of planning systems. Verena Hämmerle joined the valantic Digital Finance team as a Manager in May 2024. Her focus is on the design and implementation of CCH Tagetik projects with a focus on ESG and the interaction of ESG with other CCH Tagetik modules such as planning or consolidation. Verena also holds CCH Tagetik's Planning & Forecasting Champion and ESG Professional certifications. 

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