ComplianceESGJanuary 03, 2023

BowTieXP Enterprise version 11 service pack 3 is out now!

Now you can integrate with other software applications, anonymize incident reports and bulk edit actions and recommendations. BowTieXP Enterprise version 11 service pack 3 is here, deploy or upgrade from 6PM CET (UTC+1) onwards.

New features

1) Audit API: simply integrate the audit/inspection functionality with other software applications. The new API supports the following methods:

  • GET list of survey templates
  • GET 1 detailed survey template
  • POST completed survey back
  • GET list of completed surveys
  • GET 1 detailed completed survey
  • POST attachment to an answer

The list of API methods can be found on the Swagger page in the application. 

2) Anonymization of Observations: you can now anonymize reporting of incidents to encourage users to report observations. The name of the observation reporter is visible only to the group of people that are authorized to see it.

3) Multi-select for edit function in actions and recommendations registers: a real time saver for any user who needs to manage a lot of data. Easily select one, multiple, or all records on the page and choose to edit the selected records.

Click here to familiarize yourself with all new features and how you can use them to your advantage. 

How to upgrade to version 11.3

Upgrading your existing BowTieXP Enterprise software to version 11.3 will require you to insert a new activation code if you are upgrading from version 11.0 or lower. If you are planning your upgrade, please reach out to [email protected] to get a version 11.3 code! If you are upgrading from version 11.1 you are good to go.

In case your BowTieXP Enterprise software is hosted in the Enablon Cloud, reach out to your main contact to get more information and plan the upgrade accordingly.

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