ComplianceESGApril 06, 2020

CGE provides helping hand in managing COVID-19 risks

These are challenging times for everyone. With the COVID-19 virus impacting our lives and workplace, most organizations in high-risk countries are struggling to keep their people safe, while looking for ways to ensure business continuity. There is a need for simple means to communicate risk scenarios and to inform each other about effective preventive and mitigating safety measures.

For CGE, this is a time where we can really contribute and make a difference. That is why we are organizing a free online webinar on how to manage COVID-19 risks that are imposed on businesses and their most valuable assets: people. This webinar took place on March 26th, 2020 at: 09:00 am CET, 01:00 pm CET, and 04:00 pm CET.

Help each other – Share knowledge

Key in this webinar is: sharing experiences and best practices with each other and translating that into an easy to understand, visual risk management model, also known as a bowtie.

Bowties are applicable to any risk and commonly used in high-hazard industries to understand and manage occupational safety, process safety and other business risks. In these times of turmoil, bowties can also help us visualize how COVID-19 can infect people and affect business continuity and performance.

Bowtie example – How infection with COVID-19 can occur and develop

The bowtie below is one example of how infection with COVID-19 and further spreading can occur and develop. This bowtie’s scope is to look at it from the angle of a business. The “hazardous activity” (yellow and black box) is operating in an environment where the virus is present, which is potentially most of the world at the moment. The central node below it, the top event, describes the point in time we lose control over the hazard. In this bowtie, an employee getting infected would be that point. The left side of the diagram shows the threats (or causes) in blue boxes. They describe how the infection can occur. The red boxes on the right visualize the potential unwanted outcomes (consequences) from having a top event. Safety measures, also called barriers, are situated on the scenario lines. They have a specific preventive, controlling or mitigating effect on the scenario line they sit on. We have opted to combine barriers from the World Health Organization (WHO) with some of the best practices we have heard companies implement around us.

Bowtie example - How infection with COVID-19 can occur and develop
Figure 1: Infection with Covid-19 example bowtie. Click here to view the full image.

Use this template yourself

In this crisis, we want to contribute to everyone’s health where we can, so feel free to use this bowtie as inspiration or a template to start creating your company specific bowtie. Download the template here. It is a BowTieXP file, so if you haven’t got a license yet, feel free to download a free BowTieXP trial via the button below.

Request Free BowTieXP Trial

To utilize and share your bowties outside of BowTieXP, or after the trial period has ended, there are a few options:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports in the menu bar and select the report BowTie Diagrams under the node Hazards
  2. Navigate to Diagram in the menu bar and select Copy to Clipboard and paste in any program (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Email)
  3. Navigate to Diagram in the menu bar and select Save Diagram As… and save in your preferred picture format (e.g. .png. .emf)

COVID-19 webinar

This webinar already took place. Press the button below to receive the recording of the webinar in your inbox right away.

Access webinar recording

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