CorporateMarch 21, 2023

Women's History Month spotlight: Jenna Grafton

Originally from Sacramento, California, USA and now based in Texas, Jenna Grafton is the Vice President, Business Relationship Management (BRM) Financial & Corporate Compliance (FCC) , in our Global Business Services (GBS) division, and the Chair of our Women’s Global Inclusion Network. She and her team advocate for the businesses they support, making sure their needs are met while implementing GBS standards. 

Jenna specializes in customer care, process improvement and employee development.  She had the opportunity to partner on multiple business changing technology solutions in her time with Wolters Kluwer, most recently as an Executive Sponsor of the CT Transformation program. Jenna has a BS in Business, Human Resource Management from Western Governors University (WGU).  She is also an MBA candidate at WGU, school of Information Technology. Jenna lives in Dallas, TX with her husband Tony, and two sons, Ben and Brandon, two dogs, two cats, three turtles, and three goats.

You recently changed divisions and took on a new role. Can you share a bit about your transition from the former GRC business into GBS and what that experience was like?

I feel blessed. The transition has been very positive for me. I came from a great team and moved into another one. It’s been an exciting opportunity taking my business perspective to a shared service environment.

As you look back on your overall career with Wolters Kluwer, what were several pivotal moments that enabled you to be ready for this latest role?

Early in my career-long ago, I realized that if I wanted more opportunity, I needed to control my own career. I used the career opportunities site and built my peer network to grow myself personally and professionally. At one point when I was at Lien Solutions, I realized I needed help from others in a similar role and started a peer group of Operational leaders across businesses. It was a great way to get smarter about how others build their operation as well as expanding my personal network.

How do you see your career evolving over the next five years?

I have had (and found) many opportunities within Wolters Kluwer, growing from an Associate Customer Specialist when I started, to my current role as Vice President. I will continue to seek out opportunities that best utilize my skills as a coach, mentor, and Operational/Service leader. For me, I love seeing a problem and fixing it. That’s how I have moved up within the company, and where my next role will also take me.

What do you think makes the team culture at Wolters Kluwer unique?

I have seen Wolters Kluwer evolve from a holding company with independent businesses to a truly global corporation. As we continue growing our global presence, we build more opportunities for diverse viewpoints, which fosters inclusion and belonging. We don’t get better individually; we get better as a team.

What motivates you?

Paying it forward. I have been blessed in my career to work with a diverse talent pool. I believe if we hire externally for a manager role on my team, it is my personal failure. I would rather coach existing employees to be ready for the next big thing. This is what keeps me motivated: growing talent at Wolters Kluwer. It’s why I am super proud and excited to chair the newly formed Women’s Global Inclusion Network. I am so excited to pay it forward to our next generation of leaders.

What career advice have you received that continues to resonate with you?

I had a boss once tell me: “Never let your job become such a big part of your identity that if you lose your job, you lose yourself”. That has stayed with me for over 20 years now.

What advice would you give to anyone entering a profession like yours?

Be your own advocate and realize your value. There is not a guide through your life and career. You will have mentors and coaches along the way but be an active participant in what’s next. Most women underestimate the value they bring.

Sometimes we underestimate our soft skills, like building camaraderie. Sometimes it is the analytical, like reviewing a situation and making decisions. We need to realize how valuable we are and stop apologizing! 😊

What are your values? How do these values influence the way you live and work?

I love the Wolters Kluwer values - if I was picking one that resonates the most it’s Make It Better. At heart I am a coach and a process improvement junkie, always looking for how to make the process, experience, and activity better. If I was stepping outside our values, I’d add ‘boundaries,’ which is a tough one for many working women, especially with young kids. I believe you need to decide what works for you, your family, your mental health. Once you decide that, communicate it, and stand by it. My boundary when my kids were young was if I wasn’t traveling, I wouldn’t take calls or read emails between dinner prep and bedtime because that was family time. If I was traveling for work, I stepped away from wherever I was at 7:30pm CT to call and talk with my kids.

Erica Glass
Erica Glass, Global Corporate Communications - Legal Solutions, Governance Risk & Compliance
Director of Public Affairs and Public Relations
Global Branding and Communications
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