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Practical Approach to Regional Anesthesia, A
- Publication Year:
- 2017
- Edition:
- 5th
- Author:
- Neal, J.; Salinas, F.; Tran, D.H.Q.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-46-989683-0
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 81
Also Recommended
Originally authored by Michael F. Mulroy, MD, this respected title has helped practitioners provide effective regional anesthesia for nearly 30 years.
This clinical reference has evolved with the many changes in this specialty to continue bringing you the up-to-date, clinically focused, hands-on guidance you need to offer your patients the best care. Master the latest advances in the field with expanded coverage of truncal blocks, system-based practice, acute pain medicine, and much more.
Make optimal use of ultrasound guidance as a nerve localization tool for peripheral nerve blocks, thanks to updated and expanded coverage as well as many new and improved illustrations.
The techniques, approaches, and systems-based practices covered in the 5th edition will enhace the application and role of regional anesthesia in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathways and the perioperative surgical home. Easily find and apply the answers you need thanks to a highly readable, focused, richly illustrated format that provides balanced discussions of indications, complications, and techniques.
This clinical reference has evolved with the many changes in this specialty to continue bringing you the up-to-date, clinically focused, hands-on guidance you need to offer your patients the best care. Master the latest advances in the field with expanded coverage of truncal blocks, system-based practice, acute pain medicine, and much more.
Make optimal use of ultrasound guidance as a nerve localization tool for peripheral nerve blocks, thanks to updated and expanded coverage as well as many new and improved illustrations.
The techniques, approaches, and systems-based practices covered in the 5th edition will enhace the application and role of regional anesthesia in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathways and the perioperative surgical home. Easily find and apply the answers you need thanks to a highly readable, focused, richly illustrated format that provides balanced discussions of indications, complications, and techniques.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Neal, J.; Salinas, F.; Tran, D.H.Q.
- 978-1-46-989683-0
- Specialty:
- Anesthesiology
- Perioperative
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 5th
- Pages:
- 312
- Publication Year:
- 2017
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 81
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