FinancieESGSúlad s predpismi10 júna, 2024


Wolters Kluwer Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting capabilities recognized by Chartis 

Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in information, software, and services for professionals, announced today that its Finance, Risk, and Regulatory Reporting (FRR) OneSumX solution has been recognized as a Chartis RiskTech Credit Risk Management Solutions 2024 Quadrant Category Leader.

Wolters Kluwer FRR’s award-winning OneSumX for Risk Management is a comprehensive solution for ALM, financial risk management, profitability, Basel compliance, and regulatory reporting. The powerful calculation and simulation engine offers ‘what-if’ simulations, accounting treatment, hedge accounting, and consistent reflection of credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk across all functions with regulatory and non-regulatory data combined in one platform.

Chartis supports banks, tech vendors, investment managers and insurers with independent research and advice on all aspects of risk, compliance and financial technology. Chartis maps market trends and vendor landscapes in financial risk, trading, credit, financial crime, GRC, insurance and energy.

Wolters Kluwer Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting (FRR) is part of the Wolters Kluwer Corporate Performance & ESG (CP & ESG) division. The division is the world’s leading provider of integrated software solutions for EHS, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC). Through innovative technology and unique expertise, Wolters Kluwer CP & ESG enables business leaders to make informed, strategic decisions that drive transformation, performance, and risk management for a sustainable and resilient world.

O spoločnosti Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) je globálnym lídrom v oblasti informácií, softvérových riešení a služieb pre odborníkov v zdravotníctve, sektor daní a účtovníctva, súlad s finančnými a podnikovými predpismi, právny a regulačný sektor a sektory podnikovej výkonnosti a ESG. Poskytovaním odborných riešení, ktoré predstavujú kombináciu hĺbkových znalostí v odbore a technológií a služieb, pomáhame našim zákazníkom pri každodennom prijímaní kritických rozhodnutí.

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