TeamMate+ New Global Internal Audit Standards: Domain V Demo

How TeamMate aligns with the new Global Internal Audit Standards: Domain V

Watch the demo to see how TeamMate+ enables auditors to align with Domain V by achieving greater risk coverage, streamlining follow-up activities, and providing enhanced reporting capabilities.

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This video focuses on Domain V of the new Global Auditing Standards, which outlines the activities auditors need to perform during planning, conducting, and reporting on their engagement work.

TeamMate+ can support auditors to ensure greater risk coverage. Fill out the form to find out how TeamMate can save you time on data analysis and testing, reduce administrative burden on follow-up activities, and provide enhanced reporting capabilities.

Length: 4 minutes, 25 seconds

To view any of the Standards demos in this series, click the links below:

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TeamMate utmärkelser Laurel Grafik
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