General information for permission clearance
Kluwer Law International B.V. (“KLI”), part of the Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory division.General information for permission clearance
Kluwer Law International B.V. works with Publishers’ Licensing Services Ltd. and its team of qualified permission officers. You can contact this team by visiting or by using the PLS Clear widget further down this page. You may also contact for initial or general questions regarding re-use of materials published by Kluwer Law International BVTranslation of Kluwer Law International works into foreign languages
Sometimes a title has great potential for a foreign market, sometimes the author has contacts in another country, and sometimes a student wants to translate a Kluwer title into a foreign language… Whatever the underlying reason, the Permissions Department is always actively looking for possible translation licensing ventures.In these cases, the author will always be involved and will have to agree to the terms of the license. If the project proposal does not come directly from the author or with his/her involvement, the Compliance Officer contacts the author first in order to inform about the project. All translation projects must be dealt with by our Compliance Officer because we only engage in projects that are serious and professionally carried out. We only discuss a possible license to translate a title into a foreign language and distribute it in a specific territory if the project is supported by a recognized publishing company in the foreign country. The conditions for translated editions are very specific and must be checked upon, so a proper agreement and terms must be negotiated before the project can start.
We encourage all our authors to inform us ( of any possible foreign translation rights agreement.
Author’s permission guidelines:
Upon execution of the contract, authors/editors always retain the following rights:
- The right to make copies and distribute copies (including via e-mail) of the Work for own personal use, including for own classroom teaching use and to research colleagues, for personal use by such colleagues, and the right to present the Work at meetings or conferences and to distribute copies of the Work to the delegates attending the meeting.
- The right to post the Work on the Author’s personal or institutional web site or server, provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication.
For the Author’s employer, if the Work is a ‘work for hire’, made within the scope of the Author’s employment, the right to use all or part of the Work for other intra-company use (e.g. training), including by posting the Work on secure, internal corporate intranets. - The right to use the Work for his/her further career by including the Work in other publications such as a dissertation and/ or a collection of articles provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication.
The Author’s rights to reproduce and distribute the Work are subject to two conditions:
- The publication by the Publisher should be properly credited by including the following text: “Reprinted from (name of publication), (volume no.), (issue number), (date of publication), (page range), with permission of Kluwer Law International.”
- No commercial use of the publication should be involved. Commercial Purposes includes the use or posting of articles for commercial gain including the posting by companies or their employee-authored works for use by customers; commercial exploitation such as directly associating advertising with such postings; the charging of fees for document delivery or access; or the systematic distribution to other people (other than known colleagues), whether for a fee or for free.
The rights reserved to the Author (as stated above) are automatically granted upon acceptance of the contribution for publication and upon signature of this agreement by the Author. Any other rights or personal use not expressly stated in this document are not excluded but may be subject to time limitations or payment of fees. In such cases, the Author has to contact the PLS Clear team.