Drive improved outcomes, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational ROI

To make informed decisions across multiple functions, payer organizations need access to the best evidence and insights. UpToDate® Enterprise Suite and Medi-Span® provide evidence-based solutions that can help payers grow their impact and better support members and customers.

UpToDate Enterprise Suite is a globally trusted suite of solutions that can drive improved outcomes, member satisfaction, and organizational return-on-investment (ROI). By leveraging evidence from leading experts, payer organizations can make informed decisions, streamline operations, and improve overall performance.

Download the new eBook, “Aligning Payer and Provider data strategies for enhanced member experiences,” which explores the challenges of modern healthcare and provides insights on improved data strategies and alignment between medical and drug benefit teams and provider organizations.

Download The eBook

UpToDate helps your organization with the following

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Medical management

  • Set policy and design benefits with defensible, evidence-based decision support at scale.
  • Unify your teams with content that is continually updated to drive alignment and reduce payer, provider, and member friction.
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Care management

  • Reach more members with our AI-driven, innovative technology solutions.
  • Build member trust by encouraging healthy behaviors that align with clinical plans of care.
  • Confidently take a consumer-first approach by meeting members where, when, and how they want to be engaged.
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Drug decisioning and management

  • Leverage seamless workflow integration with a mix of referential content and machine-to-machine readable content to achieve fast, effective decision-making grounded in evidence.
  • Benefit from the depth and breadth of our referential drug data to support formulary development, claims adjudication, utilization management, and more.

Aligning data strategies to enhance member experience and improve efficiency

Modern payers need to examine their drug and clinical data strategies and look for opportunities to remove data silos and prioritize innovation while keeping the member’s needs at the center. Leveraging powerful and scalable tools like UpToDate and Medi-Span can help organizations adapt their data strategies to:

  • Break down walls between medical and drug benefit teams
  • Better align with provider organizations
  • Improve overall member satisfaction and operational efficiency

Learn more in our eBook.

Download The eBook

Evidence-based content that aligns across the healthcare ecosystem

Healthcare payers make decisions every day to help members access the right care in the right place. To be efficient, effective, and able to scale these decisions across an increasingly complex landscape, payers need trusted, evidence-based content that can adapt to their workflows. UpToDateÂŪ suite of solutions and Medi-Span are trusted across the healthcare continuum and can support the efforts of payer teams.

  • Consistent content enables clinical decision making in-workflow with the same evidence-based information clinicians trust.
  • Ensure benefit designs, claims management, and other decision makers have current, accurate disease and drug information.
  • Provide your team with anytime, anywhere access to world-class medical information.
Fill in the form below to download the eBook
Aligning data resources is top priority for payer leadership when addressing business challenges. Get the ebook, Aligning Payer and Provider data strategies for enhanced member experiences, to learn more.
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