ComplianceTháng Giêng 25, 2023

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office fulfills its mission and demonstrates that government audit work matters

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office, a division of State Audit, aids the legislature in ensuring that the state government is accountable to the citizens of Tennessee. The division conducts financial and compliance audits, performance audits, information systems audits, and attestation engagements. The division also performs special studies to provide the General Assembly, Governor, and citizens of Tennessee with objective information about the state’s financial condition and the performance of the state’s agencies and programs. TeamMate had the opportunity to speak with Aaron Kistler, Legislative Audit Manager with the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury, to learn more about his history as an auditor, as well as his experiences using TeamMate.
We bought a license to TeamMate Analytics for everyone in our division, a decision that allowed us to be on the cutting edge, experience greater efficiencies, and continue to lead with the overall push toward more inclusive data analytics auditing.
Aaron Kistler, Legislative Audit Manager, Tennessee Comptroller’s Office
Download the Case Study
Inside this case study, you'll learn about the Tennessee Comptroller’s mission to optimize the services that a state provides to its citizens.
Download the Case Study
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