ComplianceFinanceTháng Mười Một 10, 2021

Managing and optimizing credit portfolios on a risk adjusted basis

Every industry has felt the impact of Covid-19 in one way or another. Those faring the worst – hospitality, airline, oil, and retail businesses – have had governments step in to soften the impact with assistance packages, financial support, moratoriums, and more. However, these measures may prove to be more of a temporary ‘band-aid’ fix when the longer term impact of the post-pandemic world is revealed.

As governments and central banks shift their focus from containing the impact of pandemic to jump starting industry growth, there will inevitably be sectors of the economy that are going to face massive cash and revenue crunches which could potentially result in a large amount of non-performing loans (NPLs).

This free to download whitepaper explores how firms can tackle the challenges to manage post-pandemic stress scenarios and identify growth opportunities. The paper also focuses on the principles behind what a risk and capital management framework could look like, including an in-depth analysis of what the building blocks of such a framework should address.

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