ComplianceTháng Hai 21, 2020|UpdatedTháng Hai 21, 2025

Aviva and TeamMate+: Helping 33 million customers look to the future with confidence, since 2012

Learn how TeamMate+ has helped Michael Ray and his global audit department at Aviva, a leader in digital insurance, work as one diverse team under a single empowering software solution.

TeamMate+ has helped Michael Ray, Internal Audit Global Information Officer, and his global audit department at Aviva, a leader in digital insurance, work as one diverse team under a single empowering software solution. Using TeamMate+ the Aviva audit team was able to:

  • Work together as a single, diverse, and inclusive global team, utilizing one tool, one set of processes, and with one methodology.
  • Continuously ensure that the methodology supports the function’s objectives through robust configurability.
  • Drive significant improvement in management information through the use of TeamMate’s multidimension functionality.
  • Focus on auditing, and not be concerned with the day-to-day development of the audit tool.
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TeamMate success stories: Aviva
It doesn’t matter if you’re in North America, Europe, or Asia, we’re all working as one team supported by common tools like TeamMate+.
Michael Ray, Internal Audit Global Information Officer, Aviva
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